AmigaOS3.5 (32/967)

From:Robert Bondy
Date:1 May 2000 at 22:53:00
Subject:Re: not recalling screen prefs

Hi Michael

>> Here's a strange one:
>> On startup of my 4000 AGA with OS3.5 the screen will come
>> up in 4 color, NTSC mode regardless of my actual saved
>> preferences which is 64 color, multiscan productivity.
>> I enter Prefs and select the mode I want - and hit "save"
>> - the screen mode changes for the session but will revert
>> to 4 colour on next startup.
>> Any clue??
> Sounds as though your prefs are only being saved to env:
> and not to envarc:
> Or that envarc: isn't being loaded on boot.
> Check that Prefs:env-archive exists.


> Check that envarc: is copied to RAM:env (env:) in
> s:startup-sequence.


> Check the devs:Monitors directory for the Multiscan driver
> alhough that would appear to be OK since you can select it
> later...

Yes and check.

> Check the s:startup-sequence for thse lines:
> ------------------------------
> DEVS:Monitors/VGAOnly
> EndIF
> C:List >NIL: DEVS:Monitors/~(#?.info|VGAOnly) TO T:M
> LFORMAT "DEVS:Monitors/%s"
> Execute T:M
> C:Delete >NIL: T:M
> EndIF
> ------------------------------

Yup. Its all there but ...
Also, theres' plenty of mem according to the memory status
at the top (I have the full 2Mb Chip and 16Mb fast)

AND the Screenmode tool indicates 64 on the slider and Multiscan is highlighted but
the screen is in DblNTSC/4 color. It will only go to a new
screen mode/depth if I /change/ the setting in the prefs

Rob Bondy

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